If you would like to support this page and help provide free content to anyone world wide that wants to get music into the lives of children there are many ways that help our mission. 

You can spread the word. Tell your people. It doesn't cost a thing to share. 

You can listen to music at the download and streaming services. Many times that doesn't cost anything either

You can buy merch and recordings. If you want a souvenier this is a great option. 

You can make a one time donation or become a patron and give whatever feels right each month. This is the most powerful and effective way to allow more creative projects. You can be part of a long line of Patrons over the centuries who make art available to the world! 

Help fund free kids music content and make the world a better place.

Any amount helps. All donations go to content creation and keeping Kids Music.com up and going. No Lamborghinis or beach houses. Just making music and supporting musicians. Thanks!

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